Tag Archives: Mulletman

The Mulletman returns, and the third time really is the charm.


That’s the last original art Mulletman. I found it on the deviantart page of the dearly departed genius who penned it.

Throwing preview protocol for a twisted hanging curve, it comes with the spoiled new Longshot card that was revealed on Realms. Make sure you are sitting down if you haven’t seen this yet. It looks to be real.

Longshot, Earth-Mojoverse
Cost: 1
Atk: 2 Def: 1
Range: Yes Flight: No
Team: Exiles * X-Men


When Longshot enters play, name a card, then rally for a card with that name three times.

Third time’s the charm!


I am having a difficult time with this. I am on the verge of tears. It is just. So. Beautiful.

While I am trying to compose myself, please help me out in the comments. How does Shift make the ability even better, because I cannot think of a better card ability for every single deck I have ever built.

The third time really is the charm.


Filed under Vs. System