Handmade Gifts For The Win: Chaos the Cute Little Cloud.

Every year at this time we get our Art on and mix up a batch of reciprocal holiday joy by creating handmade gifts for all our family and friends. It is a win-win situation. We get the bliss of creativity, and they get the residue!

This year has been blessed by the appearance of a new character in our stable.

Chaos, the Cute Little Cloud! Check out the shirts that our inner circle will be opening under the tree.






Now, the fun part. What would the myth of Chaos the Cute Little Cloud be like? Who could she beat in a fight? You can help me speculate and spin her tale in the comment section, right now I have  more shirts to paint.

Happy Holidays, to one and all!


Filed under Art I live with., Magick

14 responses to “Handmade Gifts For The Win: Chaos the Cute Little Cloud.

  1. limbo

    Who could she beat in a fight?

    Chuck. Norris.

    Also, if you want to make me one of those shirts…


  2. I have the stencil and the bucket of bleach…

    Your name is on the list!

    Especially when you point out, quite accurately, that Chaos the Cute Little Cloud says “Pfft” in Chuck Norris’s general direction and he immediately falls under her spell.


  3. Shadowtrooper

    She is a servant of Thor carrying for him an endless supply of lightning bolts. Some say that her flatulence is the thunderous sound emitted when Thor summons lightning to strike.

  4. Her thunderous sound is “Pfft.” That’s how she beat Chuck Norris.

  5. Shadowtrooper

    Yeah but that was a Silent and Deadly. Anyone can swing those.

    Sound and Power? Only Chaos can do that.

  6. Good point.

    Aromatherapy is not Chaos the Little Cloud’s only superpower, however.

    Oh, no.

    She can control the Tendency to Dissipate. If she touches you, and then wills you to vanish…


  7. gdaybloke

    I want the yellow shirt! 🙂

  8. You are already on the list, now I gotta find a yellow in your size…

    Chaos the Cute Little Cloud will travel north of the border!

  9. Shadowtrooper

    Does Chaos want to travel to Puerto Rico? Come on Stu send a Chaos shirt to the tropics man. I want a RED one. X-L. 🙂

  10. Chaos the Cute Little Boricua Cloud?

    That just might work…

  11. I like the pale brown one.


    She is ”The Stig”.

  12. Pale brown, check.

    And we need to give our viewers a bit more background on The Stig:


    Very fitting indeed.

  13. Thomas Gibson

    Its all because she’s Scottish. Its True! Cause the Highlands of Scotland are covered by clouds all year round, she uses that area as her base of operations. On top of Ben Nevis in the Chaos McCastle, she observes those that Thor has told her to watch out for.

    The noble Haggis of the area worship her as a god, and she in return watches over them, making sure Haggises (or is it Haggisi?) disappear when the hunters come. That is why to this day, Haggis is a sheeps stomach stuffed with crud and not an actual real Haggis.

    I know its true cause a guy down the pub told me 😀

    And if you get bored, want to make me one… 😀 😀 😀 😀

  14. christachella

    she and mario would fight.

    but upon realizing a greater evil, would team-up and trump that evil.

    the days following would be one of peace.

    merry x-mas

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