Marvel Comics Teams Up Obama with Spider-Man!

Obama Spider-Man

He was born 33 days after me, and we both geek on superheroes.

Now he gets to pal around with Peter Parker.

Barack Obama collected Spider-Man comics as a child, so Marvel Comics wanted to give him a “shout-out back” by featuring him in a bonus story, said Joe Quesada, Marvel’s editor-in-chief.

“How great is that? The commander in chief to be is actually a nerd in chief,” Quesada said. “It was really, really cool to see that we had a geek in the White House. We’re all thrilled with that.”

Thrilled? More like ecstatic. Comic books are our modern myths, and our real-life political hero is about to become legend.

Obama has said that as a child, he collected Spider-Man and Conan the Barbarian comic books. His Senate Web site used to have a photo of him posing in front of a Superman statue.

The Obama story is a bonus in Marvel Comic’s Amazing Spider-Man #583, available in comic book shops nationwide on Jan. 14 for $3.99 and is expected to sell out, with half the covers devoted to Obama.

So what do you think? Is this too much? The crass commercialization of a movement? Pop culture overload? Or…

Is this cool, or what?



Filed under Comic Books, Politics

5 responses to “Marvel Comics Teams Up Obama with Spider-Man!

  1. This is simply a reflection of our culture and our times. I think it is absolutely cool.

  2. OSM

    Now I need to get President Obama to autograph my AA TASM.

  3. djvehovec

    Heck yeah it’s cool! He gets to be the President AND be in a comic with Spidey? Sure it’s a little commercial, but what isn’t these days? And maybe even just one person might read it and think “Maybe I should pay more attention to the real world too…”

  4. Donnieman

    Wow… just, wow.

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