Thursday Thirteen: Wicked Visual Bliss.


Wow.  It has been six entire months since I did a Thursday Thirteen. We are back in the saddle again.  With a vengeance!

One of my favorite things to do on the interwebs is a secret I will share with you today. Go to and search for “marvel masterpieces sketch”. You will find hours of wicked visual bliss, I promise. Today my TT gives a little taste.

That first set of hand-drawn cards that were inserted randomly into the packs is from anjinanhut. Let’s count down the characters starting with that first set of nine and showcase their myths with a corresponding Vs. System card, shall we?

1. Shuma-Gorath. Everyone’s favorite pink tentacled Chaos Dimension special move busting giant alien from Marvel vs. Capcom!


2. Doop. My students said they heard him called The Big Green Potato on television. For shame. All the X-Statix DEMAND RESPECT. Especially when they are morphing into Wolverine. Thank you.


3. X-23. Sounds like a spray lubricant. Does she free up rusty bolts?


4. Doop again. No wonder I love this set of drawings so much. Who is he transforming into this time?


5. Whirlwind. Featured on the most beautiful Dave Devries painting in all of Vs. System. Sorry, Chaos Magic, but I love this one with all my heart.



6. Doop for a third time. Steve Rogers, eat your big green potatoed heart out.


7. Constrictor? Sorry, no Vs. System card for you.

8. Fourth Doop, this time Squinty.


9. Deadpool. The man (zombie) who wears Squirrel Girl underoos.  Really, he does.


That completes the first round, here goes the final four.


10. Sentinel Mark IV. You didn’t think I would get throught this list without at least one blast of shiny purple, did you? It is my blood type, after all. That one was painted by gravyboy.


And then there were three.


11. Mysterio. Fresh from the twisted sick inkwell of Narcomics. Gotta love a dude with a fishbowl on his head, even if he doesn’t have any real superpowers. This is all an illusion anyway.


12. Thanos. The glove, the purple face, the utter purity of devotion to death.


It doesn’t get any better than that. Unless I can find…

marvel_masterpieces_3__part03_by_celestial4ever lisa_r_marvel_masterpieces_ii_by_taeha

13. Squirrel Girl! You thought I would say Mulletman? Sorry, I am nuts for the bushy tailed tree rodents and Doreen Green is the most powerful superhero the world has ever seen.

First one from Celestial4Ever, second by LisaR. After I post this, I am scurrying straight up the nearest tree.


Thanks for visiting my return to the land of Thursday Thirteen, your eyes will recover from Wicked Visual Bliss Overload in a matter of minutes. Maybe.


Filed under Comic Books, Marvel Masterpieces, Squirrel Girl, Thursday Thirteen., Vs. System

19 responses to “Thursday Thirteen: Wicked Visual Bliss.

  1. Sue

    Welcome back! And wow what a list! I’ll have to check out that linky 🙂 Happy TT!

  2. It’s been a long time since I read a Marvel comic and I haven’t heard of most of these. In that last one, wasn’t S.H.I.E.L.D the organisation of Nick Fury after his promotion?

  3. Yep, Nick Fury and Squirrel Girl team up quite nicely nowadays!

  4. Welcome back!

    Great visuals.

    The Pink Flamingo

  5. I feel like I shouldn’t be saying welcome back since I’ve been gone, too (but maybe not quite as long as you).

    I LOVE that art. Love DeviantArt, too, come to think of it. One day, I’ll be able to afford someone there to do some art for my own fictional world…

  6. I have checked that website before and yeah, they have plenty of great art there.

    Nice ones you found, and Welcome Back to Thursday13!

  7. Very cool. Happy TT:)

  8. I love deviantart, and fantasy art is my favorite! I don’t usually look for Marvel art, but these are great. =)

  9. I love deviantart…and your artwork is amazing!

  10. Chris

    Wow, those are great. My fave is #5. Happy TT

  11. Wow, I wish I could draw like that. What wonderful artwork!

  12. I have no idea what those are; but I love the graphics!

    (It’s my first TT, and so I’m finding a bunch of people and things I don’t know lol)

  13. My son-in-law would love this TT. He’s loves this stuff, too.

  14. The artwork is amazing! Great TT!

  15. Ah, brings back memories. Now I’m waiting to see Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury in the second Iron Man flick.

  16. I love the Captain America card….beautiful. I never thought of it….but that is the first beautiful Captain America art I have ever seen.

  17. Those are great!

    Thanks for visiting my T13. Happy Monday!

  18. hey there, thanks a lot for the feature.

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