Full Disclosure: Quinjet MEQ-022


Every man wants to drive the best vehicle in the world. If you are lucky enough to be an Avenger or a Vs. System fanatic, your desires will be fulfilled.




That is the original Vs. System Quinjet. It did not see much play, but when I was surfing around to research this preview above all previews, thanks to Adam “Flashback81” Kirkby, I realized that it is already immortal.

On the gamefaqs forums, I found a treasure. See, the Marvel Trading Card video game includes Vs. System puzzles. Much like my Barn Door Challenges and Flashback81’s brain teasers back in the glory days, you must use your wits to solve some of the most entertaining dilemmas using our beloved cards. This one actually demands the searching and usage of Quinjet:




1) Recruit APE X, place front row, choose QUINJET.
2) Recruit NATASHA ROMANOFF, say YES to putting another card in resource row and place ANY CARD except LEGENDARY BATTLES or QUINJET, place NATASHA in any row.
3) Recruit THERMITE, say YES to putting another card in resource row and place whichever card you have left besides LEGENDARY BATTLES or QUINJET, place THERMITE in either row.
5) Equip QUINJET to any of your attackers.

Pass until COMBAT PHASE.

1) Team attack MR. FANTASTIC with APE X, NATASHA ROMANOFF, and THERMITE don’t finish out attack chain stop passing when your attackers exhaust.
2) Play LEGENDARY BATTLES and advance attack chain.
3) Trigger effects in any order, select INVISIBLE WOMAN, say YES to stunning character.

Brilliant, magnificent fun. That, however, is not the reason you are here. Is it? No, you want to see one of the lost MEQ prize cards. Your wish is my command.


Wow. What a powerhouse. The best vehicle ever printed. The most brain-bursting possiblities that Vs. System has ever seen. Each attack, on both sides of the board, will never be the same. I can move any number of dudes? And give them flight and reinforcement to boot? Can you say “Coast City”? Yes please.

Quinjet, Mighty Machine, you remind me so much of Rocket Racer. And that, of course, reminds me of…


…  the single sickest deck in Vs. System history.

Click that link and fly with me back to the Random Punks Greatest Hits. Imagine the infinite possibile destinations that we can visit in our new Quinjet. Then take a deep breath and hit the comment section so we can groove on our new ride. It’s a great day to be alive, especially for us Vs. System fanatics.

(And tomorrow gets even better with another exclusive Lost MEQ preview on the Orange Soda Man’s blog. Check it check it out!)


Filed under Comic Books, Video Games, Vs. System

13 responses to “Full Disclosure: Quinjet MEQ-022

  1. Dang, this thing is not even team stamped?

    Good times. VERY good times.

  2. OSM

    It grants reinforcement?? That’s AMAZING! wowowow

  3. Indeed. And with the ability to move everybody, it is basically GLOBAL reinforcement.

    For a weenie lover like me, the new Quinjet is Nirvana. Add the fact that I will own one of only two copies in circulation? Bliss O.D.

  4. bkwrds

    Captain America, Champion License would be pretty a bad asset.

    Same with Iron Man, Mighty Avenger and that Coast City.

  5. Shadowtrooper

    Like I said in TCGPlayer, this card is going to be a killer to play in a Crime Lords deck. WOOT!!

  6. Thank you my friend, I can’t get there from work.

    I will bring all the suggestions from the other sites over here when I get home.

  7. redoscar

    1 of only 4 copies in circulation. Corrected for accuracy. =)

  8. That’s only until I track down the other two and burn them.

  9. OSM

    @ Stu: you have no idea just how fitting your last comment is to what I’m going to present to you guys in just under 30 minutes.

  10. OSM

    Now that my preview is up, here’s the reference:
    Kaiba rips up the 4th [and final copy of] Blue Eyes White Dragon in the first episode since a deck can only have 3 copies of a card and he already has 3. My video parodies Yugioh, and with your comment about finding the other copies of Quinjet… that was very appropriate.

  11. Joseph Corbett

    Out of all the cards previewed, I covet this the most. This card just screams abuse with team superman. Move over, house of El Supes just got an equipment.

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